In 2012, a new spin to the superhero genre was released with the opening of Josh Trank’s “Chronicle.” The movie differentiated from the rest of the superhero excess by using a found footage style which is usually in play for low-budget horror. There was also the main cast which anchored the movie, one of which is on their way to becoming a star.
In a recent interview, Dane DeHaan did speak about preparation for the high-profile release “The Amazing Spider-Man” as well as a few of his newest projects. “We’re already here, and I’ve been preparing. Right now it’s just about getting all my work done and bulking up a little bit. I’ll start shooting fairly soon in New York,” says DeHaan who will be playing Harry Osborn albeit one that will be able to stand his own ground.
He continued by describing his new regiment: “I work out incredibly intensely six days a week and I eat every two hours. Mostly proteins and veggies. I consume at least 3,000 calories a day. I’ve already gained seven pounds in six weeks!” He concludes by saying: “It is for me! I weigh more right now than I’ve ever weighed in my whole life. I’ve always constantly had trouble putting on weight, so it’s actually a whole lot for me.”
Along with “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” DeHaan is also working on “Kill Your Darlings,” a movie about the precursor to hippies, the Beat Generation, and “Metallica Through the Never.”
Spider-Man’s next sequel will be released as of May 2014.
Source: NY Times